Deck of me # 21


Deck of me # 20

This weeks promt from
Emilys art challenge  is: "Change"
I thought of this quotation from Mahatma Gandhi:

Elsies challenge

Elsie Flannigan have a great and fun challenge going on.
Here is my contribution:

Please comment and try to gues what I'm thinking of *hihihi*

Deck of me # 19

I was a bit behind but now I'm back and done with the last two promts in Em's challenge
The promt of week 19 was: Surprise

Deck of me #17 + #18

I was a bit behind but now I'm back and done with the last two promts in
Em's challenge
The promt of week 17 was: My bedroom
The promt for week 18 is: Nature

And here are my results of that: